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Modern Gym

12 Week Periodised Strength Training Programs - Home or Gym  

Strength Training Programs 

My 12 week programs are easy to follow and produce results. They come with a video instruction and are downloadable to your computer or phone.


When you follow the program, you choose your weight, I have selected the exercise, sets, reps and RIR (Reps in reserve or the intensity level). If you are training in the gym with no plan or structure and just "winging it", then following a program will be a game changer for you. You still need to take action, show up to the gym and train with intensity.


Click on the program of your choice for more information, and you can always reach out to me for more explanation.


Healthy Recipe E-Books

High protein, nutrient dense recipes to support your strength training and fat loss goals. Each meal comes with a calorie and macronutrient breakdown per serve, to keep you on track if you are logging your food. 

This recipe booklet is for you, it's so good!!


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